Friday, December 13, 2019

Can I Call Myself a Pro Yet?

Final Resume: This resume defines a bubbly personality, which highlights one of the many great traits of Peyton Truver. The white space on this piece is limited, which makes the resume effective because there is always something to read. This resume is also split up in sections, which makes it so the reader doesn't have to be bored reading left to right. 

Final Flyer: Reading flyers aren't interesting unless it includes a threat. This flyer was effective because the 2 pantone colors were blue and red; red meaning death and blue which symbolizes intelligence. The flyer was created to bring awareness to black market products and FDA approved products. 

Final Brochure: This brochure was created with 3 other brochures that would bring people to Buffalo; food, sports and nightlife. This brochure creates a strong diversity in cultural food for people all around the world. It works because everyone needs food, so why not find the best places to eat?

Final Postcard: Travel is the main theme of this postcard. The faded countries in the background symbolize the countries that Peyton has traveled. Passionate, Enthusiastic and Hardworking are the three main words to describer her, so that is what was bolded out.  

Final Logo: This logo is for a landscaping company, which is self explanatory with the tree, grass, water and mountains. This design was not an actual image but is easily determined because the colors go from light to dark, as it would in reality. The spot colors used were effectively, because "lake" is in the company name and mountains were able to be created from it; the green created multiple shades of grass.

Final Business Card: The business card is professional and to the point. The same spot colors were used in the content. The content is straight and direct.