Friday, December 13, 2019

Can I Call Myself a Pro Yet?

Final Resume: This resume defines a bubbly personality, which highlights one of the many great traits of Peyton Truver. The white space on this piece is limited, which makes the resume effective because there is always something to read. This resume is also split up in sections, which makes it so the reader doesn't have to be bored reading left to right. 

Final Flyer: Reading flyers aren't interesting unless it includes a threat. This flyer was effective because the 2 pantone colors were blue and red; red meaning death and blue which symbolizes intelligence. The flyer was created to bring awareness to black market products and FDA approved products. 

Final Brochure: This brochure was created with 3 other brochures that would bring people to Buffalo; food, sports and nightlife. This brochure creates a strong diversity in cultural food for people all around the world. It works because everyone needs food, so why not find the best places to eat?

Final Postcard: Travel is the main theme of this postcard. The faded countries in the background symbolize the countries that Peyton has traveled. Passionate, Enthusiastic and Hardworking are the three main words to describer her, so that is what was bolded out.  

Final Logo: This logo is for a landscaping company, which is self explanatory with the tree, grass, water and mountains. This design was not an actual image but is easily determined because the colors go from light to dark, as it would in reality. The spot colors used were effectively, because "lake" is in the company name and mountains were able to be created from it; the green created multiple shades of grass.

Final Business Card: The business card is professional and to the point. The same spot colors were used in the content. The content is straight and direct.

Sunday, October 6, 2019

Would You Read It?

Everyone has different views and opinions when it comes to visual content and the analysis of the piece being observed. Depending on the person, their interests and their thought process, the chances that someone will physically see an imagine or writing the same as you is absolutely slim. In reality, everyone judges a book by it’s cover, so the presentation and layout is just as important as the content that’s in it. 

The resume given was definitely different than the average Joes’. With the content being diagonal, it makes the reader actually pay attention to what content they are reading. With a unique font which worked well for Christina Jones’s resume, it is easy to see what major points she is trying to advertising. The I in Christina’s name directs the readers eyes from top to bottom, which gives the resume direction. With Christina using lines and grids to layout her resume correctly, it makes it easy to read with it having a different taste to it compared to the average one every employee has seen before. 

One of the key points in a resume would be the contact information which is right between her first and last name which makes you want to call her right then and there. Additionally, having the work experience and skills right up top is crucial too because let's be honest- that is what matters most, right?

Ultimately this was a killer, well-thought out resume with a whole lot of creativeness to it. This resume was to the point and not tiring at all and is a prime example of how to get creative in your own ways. 

Magazine Layout
You’d expect this to be better, right? Magazine articles capture readers all from there cover; there are hundreds of other magazines, why pick yours? From looking at this from a quick view it all looks pretty well put together… until further analyzing it. The image of Emma Watson draws attention to the article, so that was a clever addition since most people know who Emma Watson is and would read it just because of that. When you start looking at detail is when the small but noticeable errors come out. 

Using lines and grids are always so important! You can tell the writer did not use those tools because the S in Siren is falling off of the page and the two columns don’t have words that are lined up line by line; because the S is off of the page and it has the thickest line out of everything in the article, it captures your eye and you immediately see the other errors. 

This isn’t all bad though! Besides those two critiques, it does look visually appealing and the fonts fit along with the content, which makes it understandable. Although there are two fonts being used, they are relaying different messages so it was smart to do. 

Both articles were unique and strong in their own ways, but when it comes to using your standardized tools that are given to you, it is important for you to utilize  your assets. When it comes to fonts, line and grids and the messages that are being sent, it is important to have a strong format to capture the reader's attention.